Especially in older buildings, environmentally critical building materials are often found in the building fabric. In the past, less attention was paid to environmental compatibility and possible pollutant risks when building. Some dangers were simply not yet known. Today, such problematic building materials represent a serious burden – for the health of the house’s inhabitants, for the living value and the market value of your property. Mould infestation, radon radiation and other influences can also have a detrimental effect on (the value of) your property. Advice from hpb consulting umweltmanagement is a “valuable” contribution to safeguarding the value and improving the residential value of your property!
Our services for buildings as an independent engineering office for environmental and health protection are comprehensive. They are aimed equally at owners, builders, architects and all those involved in building. We pay attention not only to effectiveness, but also to costs. Your renovation investment should pay off: through measurable added value!
We accompany necessary refurbishments from the beginning and until completion:
with a thorough analysis of the building fabric and indoor air tests;
with accurate diagnoses of pollutant exposure and pollutant causes;
with target-oriented concepts for remediation and elimination or reduction of pollution;
with the careful supervision of construction companies commissioned with refurbishment. If desired, we are also happy to take over the professional construction management.
You decide to what extent you would like to commission us. We look forward to receiving your order!